Having spent more than a week on vacation to visit Maverick's family for Thanksgiving, I've recently spent a lot of time mingling with the American "public". Everywhere from airports to train stations to shopping centers to restaurants to sidewalks to grocery stores. While I noticed an abundance of non-Emily Post acceptable behaviors in all of these areas, I want to concentrate on one in particular arena grossly lacking in general manners.
The extended time away included several visits to public restrooms. Now, I know what you must be thinking; "Oh I know the kind of disgusting person she's going after--the don't wash your hands person". That would be a good guess, but I'm going to skip right over the multitudes of disgusting germ spreaders I saw. That includes not talking about the very obviously seven to eight months pregnant woman, who I saw walk out of a stall and right out the door in the Minneapolis airport (I'm sure that must be one healthy baby she's cooking in there). Nope, not going to call her out. Nor will I mention the little heathens who I saw just throw their used paper towels on the sink in the T.D. Banknorth Garden bathroom, while mom watched over their acts and said nothing. Nope, not going to blog about that.
Instead, I'm going to tell you the following tale:
While eagerly snatching up the bargain deals at the L.L. Bean Outlet in Freeport, ME, I (as my grandmother would say) slipped into the little girls' room to tinkle. As I entered the ladies' room, I noticed the distinct sounds and odors of what was clearly a woman who'd enjoyed way too many beans with her lunch coming from the closed door stall second from the end. Naturally, I cringed a little and hurriedly made my way to the stall at the other end of the restroom, as far away from this situation as possible.
Hey, when a girl's got to make water, she's got to make water.
There I was rushing through my business so I could escape the very loud noises and obnoxious smells, when I heard a very strange BEEP.......BEEP......BEEP noise. This particular bathroom was tucked away upstairs in the outlet store, but located somewhat closesly to the only upstairs register. I was thinking that maybe the scanners were just really loud. Not so much. A few seconds later I heard Magic Bean lady say mid-toot, "Hello?". She proceeded to start a conversation with whatever poor sap was on the other end of that call, just tooting away. Not only was she choosing to have a phone conversation while she was on the shitter, but she was choosing to do it in a public restroom.
Who does that?
She is Here.
11 years ago