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I don't get serious around here very often (if ever), but today is one of those times I feel it is necessary. So please bear with me.
Today, December 1, is World AIDS Day.
Sadly, my family and I know the misery of HIV/AIDS all too well. One of my favorite uncles was afflicted with the disease. He made it almost 17 years after his diagnosis. It was beyond great to have him around for that much longer, but at the same time it was very painful. The last six years of his life were in the AIDS stage, and they were spent not living, but surviving. It was hands down the worst thing I have ever witnessed. I hope that none of you ever have to watch someone you love and care for slowly wilt away, knowing there is absolutely nothing you, or anyone else, can do.
One of the most disheartening things I have noticed is the complacency our society seems to have developed to such a horrific epidemic. With that, I challenge you (almost beg of you) to educate yourself. If you are educated, then pass the information and challenge along to someone who might not be educated. If you're so inclined, please donate some time or money to an organization or two. Wear a red ribbon, get tested, simply talk about it, do something, do anything; it might make more difference than you could ever imagine.
Note: Sorry for going a little old school on you this time, but I recounted this story over the weekend and decided it would make a perfect Who Does That entry.A few years ago, a very intriguing man asked if he could take me out on a date. Now I usually have a severe aversion to the pretty boy, but he made me laugh every time we hung out so I thought why not. I said to myself "Dana, why not give this arm candy thing a try? You know he makes you laugh and at the very least it's just dinner and a movie. Put aside his abnormal need to have every hair perfectly gelled and go. Besides a girl's got to eat and what better way than being treated to dinner by someone so easy on the eyes". Gawd was I ever wrong. The night of the big date rolled around and, like any good woman, I spent at least an hour getting all dolled up. I put on my best sexy jeans, tight little sweater cut just low enough to be sexy but still leaving a little to the imagination (my momma taught me well) and some damn fine heels. Despite the expected first date jitters, at least I was looking good. This is every woman's first date duty, right? Just as it's the man's first date duty to have some chivalry, right? 7:30 rolls around; it's go time. Surprisingly I'm ready to go. (Shock, I know). Now one detail you should know is that this happened to be over Christmas break when I was home from college. That meant I was staying at my parents house. He knew I was staying at my parent’s house. He knew my parents were there. Yet, for some reason, when he got there he just honked! Oh no, I'm not lying. Not only did he not bother to open the door for me, but he never even got out of the truck. He fucking honked! Here's what worse, despite my dad yelling "Who does that little fucker think he is pulling up here to take my daughter out and just honking?", I actually walked out the door and went on this date. A big Who Does That to me, huh? I was still in my very early 20s, not so much of an independent woman days though. If some man tried that today I would still walk out that door, but just long enough to walk past his truck, stop and remind him what he could have had if only he’d have had a little couth about him. Then I would continue on to a night on the town with my girls. But I digress. After I got in the truck, that so rudely honked for me to come out and play, we went out to dinner. Now dinner was alright; even with his constant checking out his hair in the reflection on the picture frame above the table. (UGH, pretty boys. I didn't even do that). There was good conversation and he made me laugh, so I thought I could put the honking incident behind me. That was until the check came. No, he didn't make me pay. Actually, I could have dealt with that better. He pulled out a buy one get one half off coupon. What kind of cheap ass thing to do is that? If you don't want to pay for my dinner, just tell me. I can afford my own chicken strips at TGI Friday's thank you very much. (Choice of restaurants should have been another tell, I know). I know you're thinking it can't get worse, but it does. First of all, because I allowed the date to continue. Secondly, because his idea of an interim dinner and movie activity was to stop at a dealership and look at trucks. Thirdly, because after I stuck it out through the random truck shopping he wouldn't let me pick the movie. Lastly, because he paid for the movie with a gift certificate. Now don't get me wrong, I am by no means saying that a man should have to pay for everything all the time. But he was the one who asked if "he could take me out". Even if he doesn't understand the whoever asks pays concept, all he would have had to do was say let's go dutch, and it would have been perfectly fine. Paying with coupons and gift certificates is certainly not a way to make a girl feel special. If he was broke, but still didn't want me to have to pay, he could have been way more discreet about the coupons. Just flaunting them out there, felt a little like he was saying, "Listen woman, I want to get in your pants but am not willing to make any effort to do that". I sure as hell didn't spend over an hour having my Barbie makeover just to be treated like one of his buddies. His lack of effort certainly got him nothing. Not even a second date. Who does that?
As far as I can tell, the interview went well. I'm not sure you can really call it an interview though. It was more of a meet and greet than an interview. They said they had already asked me everything they wanted to on the phone, and just wanted the opportunity to meet me. That was weird; I'm so not used to that. Basically, the whole thing lasted about 30 minutes; they just talked for about 10 minutes about some of the details of one department (although, more time was devoted to Thanksgiving than the job details) then they took me on a 20 minute tour of the facilities. A few times they said things like "this is where you'd be doing this if you were here" and it felt more like they were selling it instead of me selling myself. So I left feeling pretty good about it, but then I had a long ass drive home by myself to second guess everything. You know how too much thinking time goes. They said I'll know by the end of the week. So here's to hoping.Thank you again to everyone for your well wishes. It's meant a lot.
T minus 6 days, 14 hours and 13 minutes.
That is the official countdown to the big in person interview that follows my successful phone interview. I want this so bad! I am so nervous! Although, there have been a couple positive signs over the last few days. They called last Thursday and said (paraphrased, as I've slept and drank since then), "We've bascially narrowed it down and are now just looking to see where everyone would fit the best". I saw another sign today when I noticed the posting is no longer on their website. (They didn't just take the front page link down, the whole thing is gone). So with my interview still set for Monday at 9:30, I'll take that as a very positive, finalist type sign.
Having said all of that, I'm still not getting my hopes up. I want the rejection blow to be as soft as possible, so I'll continue to think there's absolutely no chance. So with that, can you all shift the good vibes back into high gear? (Don't worry Brew, I've got the chicken in the pot and am ready to do the running man, too).
Now I will take my fear and go find myself a nice little suit and some fabulous shoes for the big day. Yeah, that will make me feel better. To quote a line from a show I still cannot believe I watch (Laguna Beach); "When in doubt, shoe it out." (Deb, I think you should have that monogrammed).
Okay, thanks for the good vibes!
T minus 6 days, 14 hours and 7 minutes.
Ahh, Monday morning. A time when the working world reluctantly rises from their cozy bed to meet the rising sun and start a brand new, glorious week punching the clock. Or so I'm told that is what Monday mornings are for. I, on the other hand, pound the snooze button a good three or four times, lie in bed watching Sportscenter thinking "Why God? Why? Why do I have to get up and go again? Please don't make me, this bed is so warm and comfy". At some point though I finally feel the urge and rush off to start my glorious new week. (puke)Arriving at work, I am greeted by cheerful morning people. You know the people I'm talking about. The people who when you open the door to the office practically yell "Good morning. How was your weekend? Want some coffee? Let me tell you this hugely exaggerated story about my weekend." Let's see, the response in my head says "Hell no I don't want any damn coffee. That shit is nasty. In fact I don't want you to speak to me yet. Come back in about two hours and I'll let you know then. Okay? And, oh yeah, bite me stupid morning person freak". Now I don't really say those things, but damn I wish I could. I just mumble a quick "hello, it was fine" and mosey on to my desk. At this point I turn on my computer and check my few must visit morning websites. Imagine my extremely irritated state to find one of those sites has a new design. Talk about pissing off a non-morning person. How in the hell am I supposed to find the crap I usually read? I knew right where to click, I could do it in my sleep, and now you're sending me on some wild goose cyber chase. Yeah, well, you can bite me too, stupid website. Morning people and redesigned websites....say it with me now:Who does that?
The phone interview seemed to go well. They're asking for an in person interview, so I'll definitely take that as a good sign. This, of course, means the appendage crossing, crazy dancing and black magic must continue. However, the interview won't be for around twelve days, so you can ease up just a tad. I'll let you know when to crank it back into high gear. Many thank yous again for the well wishes. I promise to give you all a full scale blog entry today or tomorrow. How about a Who Does That? Yeah, that sounds good. I'm sure there's something/someone I can rag on. ;)
T minus 36 hours and 34 minutes.
That is the official countdown to my phone interview Friday morning. Guys and gals, this one is big! I really, really, really want this to work out. It is quite literally the one stepping stone to my dream job. Considering there are many factors to the decision process (on both sides), it's almost like the stars have to perfectly align for this to become reality. Which explains my extreme nervousness.
I'll post more details for you all later, but for now could you please just send me some positive/lucky energy?
T minus 36 hours and 30 minutes.
Why does there always have to be drama? And how the hell do I always get dragged into the drama?
Today I had a very important meeting (at least in the eyes of those who matter) with my vice-president, director, two co-workers and about ten students who we are using as a focus group for a new registration product. So I'm sitting in this meeting, listening to the students rehash their initial thoughts, opinions and suggestions on their experience with the software. I'm busily taking notes, and brainstorming on our next step in the implementation, when my phone vibrates. I, ever so slyly, managed to pull my phone out of my laptop case and read the text message.
It was from my best friend, we'll call her Marcia, with a message that said; "Have you heard from (Doug) Simpson today? He won't answer my calls or text msgs. What the fuck?"
I sent a quick reply via the web, you know so I was still typing and taking notes. It said; "Yes. Sent a text msg about a football trade. He said okay. Can't talk now. Important meeting."
Three minutes later my phone vibrates again. This time it says; "We had a long fight/talk last night but left alright. I don't get it. He's fucking ignoring me."
This time my quick web reply said; "Sucks, but very important meeting. I'll call when it's over."
Marcia got the hint that time and left me alone to finish my meeting, at which point I performed my womanly, sisterhood duty and called her to rehash the problem. After being introduced through a mutual friend (me), Marcia and Doug have been seeing each other for a few months. Bottom line is they are not committed and have discussed that fact time and time again. They're free to see other people, just be honest. Surprisingly, this situation has worked quite well. That is, until the last few weeks.
Both Marcia and Doug are very good friends of mine and they both apparently feel the need to turn to me for advice. This relationship is imploding and I am continuing to be dragged in the middle. "Why won't he answer my calls? Who is this Cindy chick?" "I care for her, but I don't want a committment. I sort of like Cindy, but Marcia is great too." Yada, yada, yada. As it turns out, Doug took Cindy out on a date last night. Marcia found out and inquired with too many questions, which in turn made Doug uncomfortable and pissed off. Doug's brilliant mind decided that Marcia needs time to decide if she can really handle a non-committed relationship, only he didn't make her aware of that fact! He just decided not to answer her calls, emails or text messages. (I will never, ever understand the male mind. Who in the hell does that?) Now I've got a teary Marcia calling and wanting me to tell her what to do. I told them that I love them both, they're both my friends and I'm not their junior high mediator. So please leave me out of it, grow up, start acting like the mid 20s adults they are, decide if they have a relationship or if they're just getting some booty and to schedule their drama around my meetings. ;)
I'm not what some would call obsessed with it, but admittedly I have too much knowledge in the celebrity gossip world. It's sad, I know. Oh well, it entertains me. With that in mind, I pass along Pink is the new Blog. If you have any interest in the subject, then you must check it out. Hurry! Click! Go now! His commentary is ruthless, but I love it!As a teaser, I give you a Halloween costume submitted by a reader of the blog.
Greatest costume ever!