Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Warm Fuzzies

T minus 36 hours and 34 minutes.

That is the official countdown to my phone interview Friday morning. Guys and gals, this one is big! I really, really, really want this to work out. It is quite literally the one stepping stone to my dream job. Considering there are many factors to the decision process (on both sides), it's almost like the stars have to perfectly align for this to become reality. Which explains my extreme nervousness.

I'll post more details for you all later, but for now could you please just send me some positive/lucky energy?


T minus 36 hours and 30 minutes.


Deb said...

I'm doing my moon and stars dance right now. It's not pretty, but hopefully it's effective!

UnHoly Diver said...

I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for you. Of course, I can't type worth a damn right now and walking is a bitch, but's all for a good cause. ;)

BrewCards said...

I will go through all my new job superstitions for you.

I think I have a little earthroot, silverleaf, and kingsblood laying around. I should be able to whip up one of those potions too.

Hera said...

Thanks ya'all!

I've been going over typical interview questions all day, making sure I have decent answers. Hopefully, they don't throw any curveballs; I like the high heat. ;)

UnHoly Diver said...

Just wait for the right pitch... ;)

Cardinal70 said...

Keep your weight back, step into the pitch, and use your wrists.

Good luck, Dana!