Friday, July 07, 2006

The Lady in the Magic Box

As you, my loyal readers, are aware, I have been searching for a new job for awhile now. Over the last several months, I've had contact from headhunters, a couple interviews and several phone interviews with potential employers.

Through this process I've learned a lot about myself and where I want to take my career. I've also accomplished some great networking and had the pleasure of getting acquainted with some wonderful people. However, the positions that have been available haven't exactly been the right fit. I've been extended offers that were not something I could see myself being happy doing, and I've found positions I really liked, but didn't like the location, not enough experience, etc. I'm hoping this is about to change.

This morning I interviewed with an organization I truly believe in. I am very familiar with their work, and I fully support their cause. It's the kind of place you wake up happy to go to work, proud that you are a part of such a good cause. The position is one that I am completely qualified for. My experience is more than sufficient. It would be a step up from my current level; more of a management type role. But I know I'm ready for it.

The interview went well. It was held via video-conference with the VP, who could not get away from her office at another one of their campuses. I must admit interviewing with a television was quite bizarre, but I immediately felt a sense of comfort with the VP. This feels like the right fit; let's just hope they feel the same way.

I should hear from her by Wednesday of next week, for a second interview one week from today. Keep your fingers crossed that interview goes just as well.


Cardinal70 said...

I'm sure you having them filling out the paperwork on your hire right now!

Deb said...

Good deal! Sounds like a fantastic opportunity. I am sending good vibes to you!

BrewCards said...

fingers are crossed

Oberkfell3B said...

I'm going to go eat 20 baby chickens' legs at Buffalo-Wild-Wings in your honor. Let's see, what is the good luck sauce.......

UnHoly Diver said...

Thinking good thoughts for you, hun...