Monday, April 24, 2006

Who Does That -- Part XIV

This morning a very reclusive, snippy and just plain rude lady in another department asked me the procedure to do something.

I told her; "I've never done that procedure. I'm not sure, but I know the lady who used to do your job does know."

Let's all take a moment to remember the lady who used to do her job not only still works here, but her desk is only a mere ten feet from reclusive, snippy and just plain rude lady's desk.

Cut to three hours later when my phone rings and reclusive, snippy and just plain rude lady has apparently spent the last three hours calling everyone else at our company, except lady who used to do her job, because she doesn't like lady who used to do her job. Now she's asking me what to do from here and if can I help her research it.

This is what I think about that:

"OH MY GOD! Stop being a fucking seventh grader, swallow your pride, get your lazy ass out of the chair and take the five minutes it would take to go ask the lady who does know!"

Who does that?


Deb said...

She so needs to be shot.

UnHoly Diver said...


Cardinal70 said...

Tell her you can't help--force her to do it herself.

Oberkfell3B said...

I think I know this woman. I used to date her, but she stopped calling

Oberkfell3B said...

I think blogspot needs to deactivate this account. I think its author has died.......