Friday, March 20, 2009

Who Does That - Part XXII

There is a local business that uses a husband and wife type team in their commercials. The advertisements always astound me whenever they are on. I can't help but to stop whatever I am doing and watch. Every single time.

I think the more appropriate title to this post should be "How Does One Do That". How would you get your hair to stick out like that? It truly amazes me.

However, I highly doubt I would ever want my hair to look like that. So it still gets a big........

Who does that?


The Wilsons said...

OMG!!!! I so know what you are talking about. Each time Robb and I see it we are like, "what out..she's going to take flight!!". CRAZY...I don't know if she's still their, but the our old communications director is the marketing manager for those banks!!!!

Unknown said...


Oh--and I'm here demanding a new post! Don't make me cyber stalk you :)

Love you all the time, honey!