Monday, November 14, 2005

Who Does That -- Part VI

Ahh, Monday morning. A time when the working world reluctantly rises from their cozy bed to meet the rising sun and start a brand new, glorious week punching the clock. Or so I'm told that is what Monday mornings are for.

I, on the other hand, pound the snooze button a good three or four times, lie in bed watching Sportscenter thinking "Why God? Why? Why do I have to get up and go again? Please don't make me, this bed is so warm and comfy". At some point though I finally feel the urge and rush off to start my glorious new week. (puke)

Arriving at work, I am greeted by cheerful morning people. You know the people I'm talking about. The people who when you open the door to the office practically yell "Good morning. How was your weekend? Want some coffee? Let me tell you this hugely exaggerated story about my weekend." Let's see, the response in my head says "Hell no I don't want any damn coffee. That shit is nasty. In fact I don't want you to speak to me yet. Come back in about two hours and I'll let you know then. Okay? And, oh yeah, bite me stupid morning person freak".

Now I don't really say those things, but damn I wish I could. I just mumble a quick "hello, it was fine" and mosey on to my desk. At this point I turn on my computer and check my few must visit morning websites. Imagine my extremely irritated state to find one of those sites has a new design. Talk about pissing off a non-morning person. How in the hell am I supposed to find the crap I usually read? I knew right where to click, I could do it in my sleep, and now you're sending me on some wild goose cyber chase. Yeah, well, you can bite me too, stupid website.

Morning people and redesigned websites....say it with me now:

Who does that?


UnHoly Diver said...

I'm one of those non-morning people, as well. When I was still working, my co-workers would not even approach me unless I spoke to them first, because they knew...

I hate when a site is re-designed w/o warning. 9/10 times it's not any better than it was before.

Oberkfell3B said...

I get up at 5am during the week so that I can go workout, and get off to work by 7am. I bet that just pisses you off doesn't it deb?

BrewCards said...

I guess you could call me a morning person. I'm out the door around 5:30 and I'm at the office an hour before anyone else arrives. I don't have to talk to anybody and if they want to tell me the weekend stories, they have to make seek me out. None of that catching you as you come in the door crap.

Cardinal70 said...

I was like Brew and Obie until Benjamin came along. Now I still get up about the same time, but I usually am watching him and letting the wife catch another 30 minutes to an hour.

She's much more of an anti-morning person than I am.

Hera said...

A ha! I knew I had some "morning people" readers. That's okay, I'll forgive you all.

Just kidding.

I wish I could be more of a morning person, but it has never been a trait I possessed.

BrewCards said...

I wasn't a morning person either until about 5 years ago. I just ended up getting into the habit of getting up early. Now I can't sleep once the sun comes up.

Deb said...

Yeah, OK...I just started my Monday morning....and it's Wednesday. So you can say I'm not much of a morning person.

Dana-if anyone greeted me with coffee, they would die a horrible death.