Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Three Words

"If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just...passes you by." ~ Dermot Mulroney as Michael O'Neal in My Best Friend's Wedding
Why is it that saying those three little, but all important, words is such a scary prospect? I'm told it's the fear of not hearing them in return. No, I'm not told that; I know that to be true. But, for some reason, that's exactly what I did to someone who means the world to me last night. I feel awful. Not because I don't have the same feelings, but because I do have the same feelings and just freaked out. I was completely taken aback that someone so wonderful would desire to say that to me. I smiled, I told him how unbelievably happy he makes me everyday, I told him how I can't get through the day without hearing his voice, I even cried a few tears of happiness and I smiled some more. But I never said it back!

What is wrong with you, Hera? He's not the past. He's not the two men who hurt you beyond belief. He's not the reason you have built a giant brick wall around your heart; he's the person who has brought that wall crashing down. He's the reason you can't stop smiling every minute of every day. He's the person who makes you feel like you're all that matters; you're his world. He's the person who lets you talk about random nothingness, and finds humor in it. He's the person who leaves you short, and completely sweet, messages just to let you know he's thinking about you. He's the person who puts your happiness before his own. He's the person who gives you reason to get out of bed every morning. What is wrong with you, Dana? You love him too, so why didn't you say it back?

To the light of my days....

You mean everything to me. You bring me more happiness than I ever thought possible. Everyday I find myself asking if I dreamed you up, but much to my delight, you are indeed real. My days don't start until you say good morning and they can't end until you say goodnight. I love you, too. And I can't wait until I can say that in person.


BrewCards said...

I love you too!! But you're still not getting my Bud Light! ;)

Cardinal70 said...

Ah, leave it to Brew to take some of the mushy edge off. (Wait, can there be an edge in mush? I mean, isn't that a contradiction in terms?)

Hope that when you speak to him it's all you expect it to be, Dana!

Oberkfell3B said...

Wow! This came out of nowhere! Good for you! He isn't a Cubs fan is he?

At least now we know why you have missed several of the board meetings @ CCH, inc.

UnHoly Diver said...

If you really love someone, let them know. It's the right thing to do.

Deb said...

Good for you , D. Way to face the fears and let your guard down. If he hurts you, The Mad Mods will hunt him down and break his legs.