Monday, December 19, 2005

Who Does That -- Part VIII

December 19th and all through the house not a present was bought. Nothing. Nada. Nil. All the creatures of the house were stirring; stirring with a "holy shit, I only have four days to do this!" fear. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, but not even a lump of coal for St. Nick to find when he was there. There were no children snug in their beds (mostly because I have none), no visions of sugar plums dancing in my head and certainly no settling down for a long winter's nap. For I have not purchased one damn present. Did you hear me? It's December 19th and I have not purchased one damn present!

Who Does That?


BrewCards said...

I don't mind if my present comes late. So don't feel rushed on my account. You've got plenty of time.

Cardinal70 said...

I'd prefer mine to be here by New Year's, but if it's double the $$ of Brew's, I'll let it slide.

Seriously, who does do that? I used to have my shopping done by Thanksgiving, though that's been a while. Now I just have a couple of things to pick up.

UnHoly Diver said...

No need to send me one, D; I'm not materialistic. :p
I don't even bother to buy presents anymore, mostly because I rarely have any extra money. My family knows this and they're cool with it.